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White man speaks with forked tongue.....

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White man speaks with forked tongue..... Empty White man speaks with forked tongue.....

Post  Boxtyeater Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:33 am

I'm referring to the thread started by Loyal - "Bad drink problem etc.,"

His opening lines were totally disingenuous, dangerous and, as published, down rightly dangerous to this forum.
I am aware of comments made in the early hours of Sunday morning, and took, what I felt later on, was the correct approach.
That a thread should be started in the aftermath of corrective action being taken by the poster, smacks of parochialism and was as unwarranted as it was unwelcome.
It was, to me, typical of it's origins, late, sly and dirty.... Mad

The parties involved know the score, nothing to do with me, but I'll expect a result that's suitable all round by COP tomorrow......24.00hrs.
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White man speaks with forked tongue..... Empty Re: White man speaks with forked tongue.....

Post  Guest Mon Jun 29, 2009 10:03 am

I think my comments were fair, Boxty. I was only trying to highlight the addiction problem this country has with alcohol. Nothing wrong with that?

I'm not sure how you dealt with the situation either? As far as I could see, you encouraged the drunken poster into thinking that it was funny to get her/himself locked by giving her/him attention. I am from Meath BTW so please remove the "late, sly, dirty" thing and maybe replace it with "hard but fair".

Also, I would just like to point out that I have nothing against the poster in question. What one gets up to in one's time has nothing to do with me, in fact the poster still remains my favourite writer on here (by some way). But maybe don't go trying to post messages when you are in such a state of inebriation?


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White man speaks with forked tongue..... Empty Re: White man speaks with forked tongue.....

Post  mossbags Tue Jun 30, 2009 2:03 pm

Bad form all around. Some of ye should be taking a long hard look at yerselves here Evil or Very Mad
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